Effective communication lies at the heart of every successful operation. icommunicate is a team of former journalists, press officers and presenters offering communications training from our base in Geneva, Switzerland. Through years of experience at the UN, BBC and other major organisations we have developed a leading edge, practical, hands-on training system to help you perfect all the communications skills required to move your career and company to the next level.

Guidance & Inspiration
From storytelling to social media
At your place of work
Experienced Coaching Professionals
icommunicate is a team of Geneva-based communication specialists from the United States and Australia who who recognized the need for innovative, effective and practical training programmes in Switzerland. With a wide range of experience in numerous related fields (from theatre to broadcast journalism, lecturing to presenting) including the latest techniques from creating charisma and storytelling to media coms, our team can provide you with complete, customized communications packages conveniently in the comfort of your office or off-site location.

Jennifer Clickner
Jennifer has spent over two decades working in communication, first as a senior broadcaster on the BBC World Service affiliate in Geneva and now as a Leadership Communication trainer based in Geneva. She knows first hand that communicating with impact and enhanced charisma are skills that can be learned and mastered. For the past ten years, she has coached hundreds of UN delegates, NATO representatives, diplomats, ministry of defense and foreign policy advisors from over 40 countries, as well as senior executives from various NGOs and the private sector.
She currently trains in Leadership and Strategic Communication at the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP) and for their CCL Alliance courses at the Swiss Foreign Ministry. She is also on the Master's Faculty of the Geneva School of Diplomacy, and lectures in Business Communication at HEG.
Her two year theatre training in London included extensive work with Yat Malmgren founder of Movement Psychology. She draws on this unique and world-renowned training in stage presence and theatre arts to enhance presentation skills, and build confidence and charisma to help clients deal successfully with being in the spotlight.

Sarah Meyer
Sarah Meyer has worked in media training and strategic communications for companies as well as international agencies for many years.
As an analyst for the Hudson Institute, contributor to the International Herald Tribune, and Senior Editor for WorldLink,The Geneva Post, Why Geneva and The Global Journal, she has gained broad experience in all forms of print and digital communications including blogs, newspapers, magazines, newsletters, PR materials and research papers.
During her time as a senior news editor for the BBC World Service affiliate in Geneva, Sarah was also responsible for editing, writing and delivering news on a daily basis.
She has also worked as a professional translator for the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue, Geneva University of Art and Design, Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Bilan business magazine, Fondation Igor Stravinsky and several books. She is equally at home in French or English.
Drawing on her long experience as a journalist, Sarah is especially adept at helping clients deal with the uncompromising world of the modern media. Another of her many skills is finding the essential quote, sound bite or image.

Marcus Berry
Marcus Berry has worked in various forms of the media for more than 20 years covering print, radio, TV and digital formats as well as communications and consultancy.
His experience includes stints as media consultant and communications officer for the UN’s World Meteorological Organization. During this period he was called on to communicate with the press on a weekly basis at the UN Press Palais in Geneva where he responded to such crises as the Hurricane Katrina disaster in New Orleans, the South-East Asia Tsunami and the 2005 Pakistan earthquake as well as reports on global temperature and greenhouse gas emissions, the Ozone Layer and climate change.
He was also a reporter, presenter, editor-in-chief and general manager for BBC-affiliate World Radio Geneva and product manager and editor-in-chief for Edipresse Publications.
He has appeared as a spokesperson on CNN, Sky News, Capital Radio, French and Swiss television.
More recently Marcus has been training scores of government and military officials from around the world at the Geneva Center for Security Policy as well as staff members from several commercial companies.
Public speaking lies at the heart of most communication whether it's that vital business presentation or addressing an audience of thousands. We help you to perfect your content and deliver it masterfully with both tried and tested and leading edge methods that will fill you with confidence and help you make a strong connection with your target audience.

Clear, concise writing not only provides the reader with rapid comprehension of the subject in question but also saves your business or organization time and therefore money. We train you to effectively craft your content in a variety of appropriate styles whether you're writing a speech, press release, proposal or report.
All too often companies have to play catch up when faced with a crisis. We train your team to be prepared before disaster strikes and implement a system that ensures you can rapidly gain control of the situation and limit the damage should the worst happen. We can also advise you about how to address a crisis if you're already in its clutches.

Storytelling has become one of the major pillars of modern business communication. Why? Because it's the format that we respond to the most and therefore remember. We provide you with the skills to construct an impactful narrative that powerfully conveys your message and motivates your audience to action.
Dealing effectively with the media ensures that the general public understands and responds positively to your message. Discover how the modern media operates, create lasting and beneficial relationships, and uncover the techniques experts use to craft a memorable message and relay it successfully using presentations, press releases and social media.
"The ‘Effective Communication’ session during the GCSP’s Political Advisors course was a highlight – insightful, practical, challenging and good humoured. Presenting both the art and craft in communication, they pushed each of us to review and improve our natural styles. I learnt a lot and very much hope to work with them again."
Benjamin Lee - Human Rights Policy Advisor at the Australian Permanent Mission to the United Nations
"I was honored to be part of the European Security Course run by the GCSP, where I got special opportunity to practice and further advance my strategic/effective communications skills. They are real professionals and experts in this field as well as very inspiring, positive with great sense of humor. Highly recommend not to miss this chance and attend their classes!"
Nino Machavariani - Coordinating Substantial NATO-Georgia Package Projects/Initiatives
"Under Ms Jennifer Clickner, the icommunicate team provides communication and media training several times per year at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). They have always performed superbly in this challenging environment, bridging intercultural sensitivity with high quality training."
Miriam Fugfugosh - Senior Programme Officer, Regional Development Programme, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
"Powerful and impactful with many insights and suggestions. They spoke to a diverse group of individuals across sectors in an international community, and connected with them. We really appreciated their expertise and facilitation."
Fleur Heyworth - Gender and Inclusive Security Cluster Leader, Geneva Centre for Security Policy
"Excellent content, very practical approach making it one of the best communication courses I've taken. I can fully recommend to all that would like to master their communication/presentation skills."
Krzysztof Kozik - Strategic Operations Director France & Belux at Novo Nordisk
"Probably my favourite session. Outstanding presenters, very energetic and skilled. Would have loved to spend a whole week with them, so as to get more training! Excellent practical exercises as well."
Lawyer/diplomat – Directorate for European Affairs
"Excellent session . . . the highlight of the course. Two very experienced, motivating and inspiring personalities who passed on many useful skills."
Head of Eurasia Division, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
"Highly professional, interactive and in all respects awesome."
Deputy Coordinator, Council of Europe